Our Neighborhood

Coming together; helping out

Some of our neighbors were unable to keep up with their yard work due to health issues, which can be challenging in the valley. With the help of the Capital Park Wesleyan Men’s group, the project was completed in just two days. The first three volunteers cleared the larger items from the yard and took […]

Our City

City Library Cuts: Impact on the Community

The recent decision to halve the city library opening hours (from 96 to 48) has sparked concerns among residents about access to essential resources and services. Libraries are vital community hubs that provide access to books, computers, workshops, and knowledgeable staff. With fewer hours, residents, regardless of age or background, face limitations in accessing these […]

Our Neighborhood

Priorities for 2024

In January the SESNA board had its yearly retreat, to discuss and decide on priorities for 2024. Continuing projects New for 2024

Our Neighborhood

How Google shut us down (again) – Updated

Google terminated our Youtube channel after only 2 days stating “This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.” As a legitimate neighborhood association we are dependent on free services to serve our neighbors. For some reason […]

Our City Our Neighborhood

Exploring law enforcement services, programs and policies

Twice a year, during April and September, Salem residents have the unique opportunity to engage with their Police Department in a unique fashion. The Community Police Academy program is designed to promote better comprehension and communication between neighbors and law enforcement. Through interactive in-person classes, you gain comprehensive insights into various topics, such as crime […]

Our Neighborhood

Many tiny libraries make for a big read

One of the most heartening aspects of modern urban life is the rise of the neighborhood tiny library. These charming little book depositories, often created and maintained by dedicated volunteers, serve as a testament to the human desire for knowledge, community, and connection. They bring people together around a shared love of reading and learning. […]

Our City Our Neighborhood

We Belong / Pertenecemos

You might have seen the signs and posters around the city, showing people coming together and the slogan: Your voice. Your neighborhood. Your community. The city’s new campaign ‘we belong‘ is an initiative aimed at supporting neighborhood associations and promoting a sense of community and belonging. The campaign’s main goal is to encourage residents to […]

Our City Our Neighborhood

The city honors our neighbors

The Outstanding Neighbor or Neighborhood Association honors a group or individual neighbors that set an example, performed a project encouraging civic participation, or enhanced the city some manner. Two members of our neighborhood were honored with this award. Honored for weeks of fending off illegal camping and litter at the tiny Mill Race Park, was […]

Our City Our Neighborhood

How your neighbors cleaned up Mill Race Park

In 2017 Mitch and Mia bought and moved into their first house on Trade St. Soon they discovered Mill Race Park as a favorite stop on the daily dog walks. The park was in a state of neglect – so they decided to turn it back into the family friendly place it is today.

Our City Our Neighborhood

Improve your favorite park with the City’s support

After some of our neighbours wanted to clean up their favourite park, they (and us) discovered the City has lots of support ready for such volunteers.