We’re halfway through the summer. The sun relentlessly torments the earth for days. The same dog is barking at the few shadows left. That blackberry bush is rapidly growing through the fence again. The air feels as if straight from an oven. The neighbors newly installed outside light is very bright and shines into bedroom. […]
Tag: safety
So many mosquitos!
Bird baths, yard ponds, sprinklers, spring rain, add up fast to create a sizable amount of standing water in the city. While they might seem harmless, and even cute; standing water can actually cause a bit of a ripple effect throughout the neighborhood. Don’t worry, though! There are easy ways to address it. One of […]
The recent decision to halve the city library opening hours (from 96 to 48) has sparked concerns among residents about access to essential resources and services. Libraries are vital community hubs that provide access to books, computers, workshops, and knowledgeable staff. With fewer hours, residents, regardless of age or background, face limitations in accessing these […]
Five years after Salem created the short-term rental license program, Code Compliance Officers are doing the rounds. You might have recently received a communication from the City, stating a date when Code Compliance Officers will come around to inspect your short-term rental for compliance with city codes. They will be looking for smoke alarms, egresses […]
Twice a year, during April and September, Salem residents have the unique opportunity to engage with their Police Department in a unique fashion. The Community Police Academy program is designed to promote better comprehension and communication between neighbors and law enforcement. Through interactive in-person classes, you gain comprehensive insights into various topics, such as crime […]
Halloween, safe and fun
Halloween, Oregon’s favorite holiday, is only days away. Where to go for a safe and fun experience? Our own Willamette Heritage Center organizes once more their Drive-Thru Trick-or-Treat. Each car will drive through a route on the site to see all the fun booths and decorations, while the ‘Candy Crew’ passes out sweets. On the […]
Get rid of those leaves
When traversing the historic SESNA neighborhood, one of the things standing out are the many and diverse trees lining the streets. These tall companions provide shade on hot days, a respite from harsh winds, cover and living space for all kinds of small animals, color the neighborhood green in summer and colorful in fall… But […]
Halloween, safe and fun
Halloween, Oregon’s favorite holiday, is only days away. In the face of 2020, what recommendations are there to give? This year Salem City Police is not organising a Halloween Dress Rehearsal. Although last year’s safety tips for going around the neighborhood still stand. Similarly, the Salem Public Library is not hosting a Haunted House. Nor will the […]
All of us are part of a neighborhood, a city, a culture… a community. The fact that you choose to read this, probably means you want that community to be strong and healthy. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has launched a new campaign website ‘Safe + Strong‘ that provides community resources on how to deal […]
This writing was supposed to be about Salem’s iconic Saturday Market and how to walk there from our neighborhood, while seeing interesting things on the way. Sadly enough, reality has caught up to us, with rising numbers of COVID-19 infections. Promoting such a public gathering did no longer seem appropriate. Does this mean, we should […]