Meetings Our City Our Neighborhood

Community Conversation on Tuesday

Hello neighbors and friends — our city is in a financial crisis, so PLEASE consider sharing your thoughts, priorities and questions at a special “Community Conversation” SESNA is helping to sponsor on Jan. 28. Because this is so important, we’re not having a regular SESNA neighborhood meeting this month.  See the attached flier for details. […]

Meetings Our Neighborhood

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

SESNA held its Annual Meeting on Nov. 19 – maybe it was the weather, but the turn-out was very low, although we were thrilled to meet some new folks! Everyone won door prizes, which included $30 gift cards to local restaurants and businesses. The food was incredible with a lot left over. Also great was […]

Our Neighborhood

Most Outstanding Home Improvement

Congrats to this year’s Most Outstanding Home Improvement winner, Melissa Bliss and her father, Mike. After renting the home at 205 22nd St. SE for 9 years, Melissa, a part-time care-giver and dad (retired car buff) used their Covid stimulus checks to buy it in 2021, beginning a gradual transformation. Neighbors reported seeing Mike almost […]

Our City

Mayoral and Judge Candidates

If you’d like to watch a mayoral candidate panel – along with the panel of Marion County judge candidates, NEN will host them via Zoom at its April 9 meeting, 6:30 p.m. neighborhood meeting. SESNA didn’t have the capacity to organized this, so we thank our northeast neighbors! More details, including the Zoom link, can […]

Our City Our Neighborhood

The city honors our neighbors

The Outstanding Neighbor or Neighborhood Association honors a group or individual neighbors that set an example, performed a project encouraging civic participation, or enhanced the city some manner. Two members of our neighborhood were honored with this award. Honored for weeks of fending off illegal camping and litter at the tiny Mill Race Park, was […]

Our City Our Neighborhood

Meet our new city councilor

Meet Linda Nishioka, our new Ward 2 city councilor. Her priorities: A vibrant, attractive, walkable downtown, responsible development, ending homelessness and improving the environment. She wants to contribute to making Salem “a city that takes care of itself, and is welcoming to all.” She’s lived in the Willamette Valley most of her life, attending college […]