Meetings Our City Our Neighborhood

Community Conversation on Tuesday

Hello neighbors and friends — our city is in a financial crisis, so PLEASE consider sharing your thoughts, priorities and questions at a special “Community Conversation” SESNA is helping to sponsor on Jan. 28. Because this is so important, we’re not having a regular SESNA neighborhood meeting this month.  See the attached flier for details. […]

Dark Skies

Buzzing around the stars

Forget “moth to a flame” – that saying might be totally wrong! Scientists are buzzing about a new discovery that flips the script on why insects dive-bomb your porch light. It turns out, they might not actually love light at all. Instead, all those flickering bulbs might be messing with their built-in GPS! Like tiny […]

Our City

Viva Salem Festival!

A chance to hang out with our Latino neighbors. We didn’t get any more info, so let the posters speak for themselves.

Clean Quiet Salem Our Neighborhood

The Quiet Clean Resolution

This week SESNA passed a resolution supporting the Quiet Clean Salem movement in reducing the effects of noise and air pollution of yard tools on all our lives. This follows the SCAN neighborhood who joined in February, and hopefully just the first of manny to follow. Gas-powered tools like lawnmowers and leaf blowers have become […]

Dark Skies Our City Our Neighborhood Our State

Embracing Dark Skies: Benefits for Residential Neighborhoods

In the hustle and bustle of urban life, it’s easy to overlook the beauty of the night sky. Yet, the Dark Skies movement advocates for preserving and restoring the natural darkness of our nighttime environment, not only for the benefit of stargazers and astronomers but also for the well-being of city residents. As city dwellers, […]

Our City Our State

Our 2024 Oregon representation

Once more the Salem Public Library was host to a town hall with double bill Oregon House Representative Tom Anderson and State Senator Deb Patterson. You are used to hearing our City Councilor Linda Nishioka speaking on what is happening at City Hall, during our monthly SESNA neighborhood meetings. However, the people representing us on […]

Our Neighborhood

Priorities for 2024

In January the SESNA board had its yearly retreat, to discuss and decide on priorities for 2024. Continuing projects New for 2024

Our City Our Neighborhood

Backyard birds

People love watching birds. If you’re ready to give this hobby a try, a good place to start is learning about the small birds you’re most likely to spot in your own backyard. That’s what I did. Over the span of a couple of weeks, I kept records of the birds visiting my own yard’s […]

Our City Our Neighborhood

Walk to the Saturday Market, and tour interesting sights along the way

The Salem Saturday Market near the Capitol is an endearing staple of our city. A good place for lunch or to pick up local produce and gifts. And who hasn’t discovered a new sweet to try or stared at a weird vegetable you never knew was locally grown? This article will show you how to walk to the market and see something interesting on the way.

Our City Our Neighborhood

How your neighbors cleaned up Mill Race Park

In 2017 Mitch and Mia bought and moved into their first house on Trade St. Soon they discovered Mill Race Park as a favorite stop on the daily dog walks. The park was in a state of neglect – so they decided to turn it back into the family friendly place it is today.