We have heard a lot of community support for creating neighborhood hubs in Salem. These are small-scale shops and services in residential neighborhoods.
Neighborhood hubs are a newer idea in Salem, so we need your input as we start working out the details. What kinds of businesses would you like in your neighborhood? What should they look like? Where should they be located?
Please take this short survey to help us answer these and other questions, and shape neighborhood hubs! Neighborhood Hub Survey Encuesta Sobre los Centros Vecinales
What’s Next?
We plan to use all of the community input we’ve received during the Our Salem project to develop a draft vision for future growth this fall. That draft vision will include overall goals for growth and development as well as a map.
We expect to present the draft vision to the City Council and Planning Commission in a joint work session in September. We will then seek input from the community, including property owners that could be impacted by the proposed changes. That input will help us refine the draft vision before we ask the City Council to accept it later this year.
If the vision is accepted, we will continue doing the more detailed work on the goals, policies, maps, and regulations that is necessary to update the Comprehensive Plan in line with the vision. That work will extend into next year.
Other Surveys:
We have been collecting input for the Our Salem project through two other surveys. One focuses on guiding principles and priorities for growth, and the other focuses on four scenarios for future growth. If you haven’t taken them yet, please do so! These two surveys will close on July 18.
Feel free to contact Eunice Kim at [email protected] or 503-540-2308 with any questions or additional input.
The Our Salem project is a multi-year project to update the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, which guides future development in the Salem area. Salem is expected to add 60,000 people by 2035. With this growth comes the chance to better plan for how and where we want to grow.
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